The Art of Shark & Marine Conservation
Sharks play an important role in balancing the marine environment and provide stability to many other marine ecosystems.
They help provide structure to underwater food-chains and play a vital role in preserving a healthy underwater environment.
Shark conservation has become an increasingly important practice due to the negative effects of human activity on these amazing creatures.

Unregulated Shark Fishing
Unfortunately, around 100 million sharks are killed yearly due to long line fishing and the unprecedented demand for shark finning over the last decades, according to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature).
- Some shark populations have decreased by more than 90% in certain areas.
- This has led to 470 different shark species to be classified as ‘endangered’..
- The shark fishing industry is fueled by the demand for shark fin soup.
- Sharks are often caught as by-catch or trapped in Ghost nets drifting through the ocean.
- Shark teeth and jaws are popular souvenir items in many tourist destinations.
- Marine debris, especially plastic, is dangerous for Sharks and other marine species.
How you can support Shark Conservation
There are many ways to take action towards shark conservation.
We at the FinArts support Shark Conservation Organizations to create awareness for their admirable efforts towards shark conservation. Our official partner is Shark Guardian. Check out their website
There are many more organizations that have different methods of supporting shark conservation through donations
TheFinArts way has always been to educate and create awareness through the nature of art.
Art the capability to capture the attention of people who might not be aware of the threat sharks are facing.
By joining our community we can collectively make our voice louder and can use the beauty of art to express the challenges our marine ecosystems and sharks are facing.

Our Partners
Shark Guardian, a worldwide shark and marine conservation project registered as a charity in the United Kingdom.
They have active campaigns around the world, Africa, Europe, Middle East and Asia.
Their objective is to use education and research projects to help marine conservation in the short and long-termEvery year we partner with them to let our sharks tell their story at the InterDive and at the boot in Düsseldorf Germany to raise awareness at Dive shows.
In addition we have joined their education campaigns by entering public schools and educating young kids about the importance of Sharks and the Ocean.
Who else we support
We also support Sharkproject, they have been very active in Switzerland promoting the protection of sharks and the world’s oceans since 2006.
In 2021 our Shark School will go on tour in Switzerland with the support of Sharkproject.
Oceans For All is a foundation based in Phuket, whose mission is to restore the balance of the marine ecosystem in places where it has been affected by the tourism industry.
In collaboration with the Phuket Marine Biological Center.
Oceans For All is breeding baby sharks which they release into the sea.

Education is Key
Without a healthy shark population there won’t be healthy reefs and would ultimately diminish the flourishing bio-diversity of the oceans.
Over the last years humans have constructed a complete false narrative surrounding the importance of Sharks in our world. Hollywood movies in the past like Jaws have given the Shark species a complete inaccurate connotation.
In order to change this, we believe that educating the next generation is one of the most important tasks in order to foster a stronger movement towards shark conservation in the long-run. What better way to touch a kids heart than through the joy of art?
Support us painting a brighter future for sharks!